Bad Beat is one of six Casino Story Missions in GTA Online. Each quest is accessible by heading to the “AB” icon in the Management. It becomes available after purchasing the Master Penthouse for $1,500,000 and completing Play to Win.
Head to the Diamond Casino & Resort, and let’s get started.
From February 22 to 29, 2024, all Casino Story Missions will offer a 2x Cash and RP bonus. Add 2x more if you have an active GTA+ membership. We recommend participating in this job for extra profit.
Table of Contents
Bad Beat Mission Brief
The events from Strong Arm Tactics and Play to Win fueled the war between the Chengs and the Duggans.
An unlikely ally, Thornton Duggan, warned everyone of an incoming strike operation sent by his uncle Avery. Eliminate The Professionals and make Diamond Casino & Resort safe.
- Bring lots of Snacks and Armor.
- Use Combat MG or Unholy Hellbringer, as those weapons have high ammo capacity.
- Take cover.
- Aim for the head.
- Never let your guard down, and always check corners. Pre-fire when necessary.
Take Out the Mercenaries
The Professionals outnumber you and Vincent.
Important: The Professionals are using Assault Shotgun and Automatic/Semi-Automatic Rifles. Be extra careful.
First, take cover in this spot:

Ready your weapon afterward and aim for the head.
Here are every spots where the hired guns will appear:

Take care of the enemies trying to flank you on the right side:

Vincent will eventually ask you to move to the pool area where a cluster of enemies are nearby. Check that part carefully and take cover. Never peek your head needlessly.

Attack helicopters will also appear. You can take the pilot or burst fire at the chopper’s tail rotor to bring it down.

Upon reaching the Diamond Casino & Resort’s left side, they’ll stop appearing, and more hostiles will run towards you.

You’ll end up at the ladder where a Jetsam Cargobob is landed.

Take Out the Remaining Mercenaries
Eliminate hostiles before climbing up the ladder.
One member equipped with Ballistic Equipment will show up.
In our case, we exploited the remaining space to deal damage. We used the Heavy Revolver as it gives the best firepower in GTA Online.

Take the remaining mercenaries.
Once done, Vincent will call you back to the Elevator, and Bad Beat will conclude.

What Difficulty Should I Pick?
While Bad Beat requires good skill to complete, we recommend choosing the hardest difficulty if you have guns with high ammo capacity.
Overall, you’ll earn $48,000 – $96,000, 8,000 – 16,000 RP, and some chips for completing this Casino Story Mission in GTA Online.
For first-time completion, get FREE $50,000.