GTA 5 initially gained recognition for its compelling storyline, but its popularity soared even higher due to the engaging missions it offers.
To complete GTA 5, you have to finish 74 missions. While some might feel a bit boring, there are a few missions that are really fun and worth playing again.
So, what are they? And why are they worth playing more times? Scroll down to find out.
Top 5 Best Missions in GTA 5
Our list of the best 5 missions in GTA 5 comes from what we’ve played and what other GTA fans have shared in groups. This means the missions you like might not be on our list. Everyone has different favorites, so we picked missions that showed different things and were liked by many players.
To avoid any spoilers, we strongly suggest you finish the game before reading this article.
Also, It’s important to note that the list is not in any particular order. All the listed missions are equal.
1. I Fought the Law

In this mission, Devin Weston instructed Trevor, Michael, and Franklin to steal two sports cars from a couple of teenagers.
Frankling will initiate the race with the teenagers, while Michael and Trevor disguised as police officers, approach them in a friendly manner. After negotiating for a while, both overwhelm the teens and stealth the cars, driving them back to the Hayes Autos.
This mission isn’t just about showcasing the teamwork between the protagonists; it also gives you the opportunity to race within the world of GTA 5. It’s a chance to put the pedal to the metal and experience some thrilling in-game competition.
For GTA Online players who love to role-play as cops in GTA 5, this mission is going to make your adrenaline run.
2. Three’s Company

In this mission, the FIB thought Kerimov was dead but found out he was actually alive and being questioned by the IAA. This revelation could expose the FIB’s dirty secrets.
So, the FIB instructs all our protagonists to retrieve Kerimov. Trevor pilots the helicopter, Michael sneaks into the building to rescue Kerimov, and Franklin provides cover from above with a sniper rifle.
Three’s Company in GTA 5 is special because it’s the first time all 3 main characters team up for a mission, each having their own important role.
This mission isn’t just about action; it also shows that the FIB and the IAA aren’t always doing the right thing in San Andreas. It’s a key moment in the game where the story gets more complex and the characters’ teamwork shines.
3. Lamar Down

In this mission, Tanisha visits Franklin and informs him that Lamar was set up by Stretch and the Ballas gang. Franklin then teams up with Michael and Trevor to rescue Lamar.
The plan to attack the sawmill involves Michael positioned on the hill with a sniper, while Trevor and Franklin take opposite sides on the ground.
Players control all 3 protagonists, each equipped with different weapons, in a thrilling mission to defeat the Ballas and rescue Lamar.
“Lamar Down” in GTA 5 is a mission that Franklin takes on reluctantly but considers crucial because of his relationship with Lamar.
This mission delves into the story between Lamar and Franklin, showcasing Franklin’s dedication to helping his friend while hoping that Lamar stays out of trouble.
It reveals a deeper connection between the two characters and highlights Franklin’s loyalty to his friend.
4. The Third Way: Deathwish

In this mission, Franklin faces a tough decision: the FIB wants him to get rid of Trevor, while Devin Weston wants Michael gone.
Instead of choosing sides, Franklin teams up with Lamar, Lester, Trevor, and Michael to take on both the FIB and Weston.
Afterward, the group plans a calculated series of assassinations, targeting their enemies: Stretch, Haines, and Cheng. Trevor kidnaps Weston, and they all convene at Chiliad Mountain State Wilderness for the final showdown.
Following their farewells to Devin Weston, they push his car off a cliff with him still inside, ending his life.
In the GTA 5 storyline, “The Third Way” or “Deathwish” is often seen as the happiest ending. This path has Franklin choosing to side with both Trevor and Michael, joining forces to confront Devin Weston.
However, this is just one of three possible endings.
You might want to replay this final mission two more times, selecting the other options (kill Trevor or kill Michael) to see how the story unfolds differently and discover what happens to the other protagonists.
5. The Merryweather Heist

In the “Merryweather Heist” mission, you get to choose between two strategies: Freighter or Offshore.
If you pick the Freighter option, you’ll guide Franklin with a sniper rifle while Michael plants bombs on the ship, and Trevor searches for a device using a Submersible in the wreckage.
On the other hand, the Offshore choice involves Michael using a Cargobob to airlift Trevor’s Submersible into the Pacific Ocean. After collecting the device and dealing with enemy helicopters and boats, the team safely returns to the airfield.
This mission offers varied activities like shooting, flying helicopters, and using the Submersible. You’ll need high skills to breeze through it all.
With two different strategies and preparations, playing the game at least twice allows you to explore these differences.